Atmahn, The Night Judge

Here is Atmahn, a god like character from DC Comic's, Trinity. You're probably saying, "Wait. Isn't this Batman?" Yes, it is. This version of the caped crusader appeared in a 2008 story line, where he, along with Superman and Wonder Woman, had their reality warped by powerful magic users and they were turned into gods. … Continue reading Atmahn, The Night Judge

Asura’s Draft

Up next is a pencil drawing Asura from the video game, Asura's Wrath. This was a game I use to watch videos of  a few years ago.  It's well known for being over the top in its game play and cut scenes, taking inspiration from Sci-Fi, Anime, and Japanese mythology. The main character is a … Continue reading Asura’s Draft

Superman Prime One Million

The OP. Initials I use to describe the over powerful. Beings with incredible feats of strength. We're talking about characters who can defy all odds with ease, from one punch that can eliminate even the strongest of opponents, to a single snap that can wipe out half the universe. For this week, I'll be drawing … Continue reading Superman Prime One Million