Simply Thanks

Well, this is it. I have reached the end of my one year daily drawing challenge. It was a rough start at first, but I managed to pump out a drawing each day for a year.  There were days where I was satisfied with what I drew, days I wish I could improve, and other … Continue reading Simply Thanks

Pencils Only – Shazam

Last March, I got the privilege of seeing an early screening of the movie Shazam. It was fun. Zachary Levi played the superhero lead effortlessly.  His scenes with Jack Grazer (as Freddy) where he tests his powers were one of the brighter moments of the movie. While Asher Angel was also good as the young … Continue reading Pencils Only – Shazam

Dick Dale, 1937 – 2019

The 1960s is one of my favorite decades in terms of pop culture. One of things I would do over the summer is listen to music from that time, including surf music. Among them was Dick Dale and the Deltones. Discovered when I was watching the classic 1963 movie, Beach Party, the guitarist had a … Continue reading Dick Dale, 1937 – 2019

A Simple Work In Progress

...or The Amazing Cynical Man! April Fools! I will be posting the actual piece tomorrow. If you're still here or if you came across this post first, here is Matt Feazell's Cynical Man. He does comic strips featuring this character along with other stick figures. The creator's a very nice guy, who I've I met … Continue reading A Simple Work In Progress

The Presence meets The One Above All

Ending the weekend are two of the most overpowered characters from the big two comic companies.  They are the gods of their respective universes/multiverses, with the Presence at DC/Vertigo (left), and the One Above All at Marvel (right).  The latter has taken on different forms in the comics, including a homeless man, Jack Kirby, and … Continue reading The Presence meets The One Above All

The Beyonder

Here is the Beyonder, one of Marvel's cosmic entities. He is best known for his involvement in the original Secret Wars for gathering both heroes and villains to do battle with each other on a planet called Battleworld. It wasn't until the second Secret War story arc that the character took on a human appearance. … Continue reading The Beyonder

Simply Squirrel Girl

It's Marvel's Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!  She is one of Marvel's zany characters and well known to comic fans.  Her powers include super strength, agility, and the ability to talk to and control squirrels.  What makes her so powerful is through the aid of the writers, allowing her to take on even the toughest supervillains, including … Continue reading Simply Squirrel Girl