
Wrapping up this week's Dinosaur theme is the Tyrannosaurus rex, based on a still from the original Jurassic Park. Penciling: 36 minutes Inking: 40 minutes Coloring: 29 minutes Total: 1 hour, 45 minutes Next Week: From one group of giant beings to another, I will be turning my attention to drawing giant fictional characters (robots, … Continue reading T-Rex

Super Jurassic World

Saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Without going into too much detail, I thought it was alright.  While I find the villains to be the weakest, there were some scenes and moments early on that made me think and even feel. Anyways, this piece was completed all on computer to fully mimic the box art to … Continue reading Super Jurassic World

Kung Fury and Triceracop

... And what inspired the previous entry? Why none other than the 30 minute over-the-top action movie, Kung Fury. Featured is the title character (right) and dinosaur/police officer, Triceracop. Though they didn't get along at the beginning, they eventually teamed up against a common enemy, Adolf Hilter, aka Kung Führer. Worth checking out online, and … Continue reading Kung Fury and Triceracop

Superman and Son: Escape From Dinosaur Island

Based on the pages of Superman #9, during DC's Rebirth run. The comic is the second half of a two part story, where Superman, his son, and their dog, Krypto, are trapped on an island lost in time. Along the way, they meet a lone survivor (top right), who may know a way out. In … Continue reading Superman and Son: Escape From Dinosaur Island